
Tatsuo Nishie



NISHIE Tatsuo, born in Tokyo in 1976, finished Toho Gakuken Music High School.

Then he completed the soloist diploma course of Toho Gakuen College Music Department,

Toho Gakuen School of Music. He took lessons on the violin from Akiko Tatsumi and the late Tibor Varga. In 1990, he won the first prize of Student Music Concours of Japan.

He had continually studied at the Toru Yasunaga Violin Clinic Course until 1997.

NISHIE Tatsuo played as soloist in 1991 at the concerts of Cosmo Youth Orchestra in Tokyo and in Kyoto.

He performed also with Tokyo Symphony Orchestra this year.

In 1993 he gave the first recital at Sesion Sugiami. In 1996 he won the 2nd prize of Tama Fresh, JILA Concours.

In 1997 he went to study in Switzerland, where he made his appearances at recitals and at festivals in Geneva, Lausanne, and then in France. This year, his performance at the recital subsidized by Aoyama Foundation made him the occasion to give concerts as special music lecturer for the national primary schools. In 1999, he played at Ichino & Yasunaga Sympathetic Relationship concert.

In 2001, at age of 24, he took the post of concert master of Sendai Philharmonic Orchestra and played as soloist the ” Symphony Concertante“ of Haydn. He also played the first performance in Japan of “Divertimento ”of Jean-Francaix under the baton of Yuzo Toyama.

In 2002, he got excellent reputations with “Ein Heldenleben ”of Richard Strauss conducted by Toshiaki Umeda for the 172th subscription concert of Sendai Philharmonic and “Doppel Konzert” of Brhams for the 175th. His disk “Scheherazade” of Rimskiy-Korsakov and “Doppel Konzert” was awarded the Grand Prix of SPC.

He is developing his activities playing in the Saito Kinen Orchestra, and as concert master for subscription concerts of Japan Philharmonic and of New Japan Philharmonic.

In January 2003, NISHIE Tatsuo organized Sereno String Quartet, which received the 11th and 12th Matsuo Music Support Prize for quartet, and Green-Wind Music Prize at the Haramura Chamber Music Seminar as the best quartet.

He was invited as soloist for the subscription concert of Czech Chamber Music Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Douglas Bostock.


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